It was a weird briefing for Microsoft, it was one of the best in years but it is getting many deserved negative talk too. They showed more than 60 games and had some incredible announcements but forgot a crucial thing… gameplay. In this article you can read everything that has been announced, trust me it is a lot! Be sure to let us know what you think about this briefing! Click here to talk with our community on FB.
- The Outer Worlds coming day one to Xbox Game Pass, because Obsidian wasn’t part of Microsoft Studios when they signed the contract for this game it is pretty exciting news that we’ll be able to play this with Xbox Game Pass.
- Microsoft acquires Tim Shafer’s Double Fine, known for Costume Quest, Grim Fandango, Headlander, Brütal Legend and Psychonauts 2! That last one got a new trailer and will be available on Xbox too!
- Microsoft created a new studio for Age of Empires, a little bit weird that this didn’t get more attention but Microsoft created a brand new studio, purely for Age of Empires. Leading this studio is Shannon Loftis.
- Flight Simulator returns! Coming in 2020 for PC and Xbox this long-running franchise finally makes a return! The authenticity of flying and visually stunning environments are two key factors for this simulator, I personally can’t wait to fly again!

- Xbox Game Pass news, over 30 ID@Xbox games are coming day one to Xbox Game Pass, including some stellar looking games like
- Gears 5: Bound by Blood, is releasing September 10, 2019 and has a brand new co-op Horde mode called Escape! This will be the biggest Gears game ever with an insane and emotional campaign, the traditional Horde mode, the popular PvP modes and Escape.
- Terminator: Dark Fate and Gears do a crossover, allowing you to play as the popular Sarah Connor or a T-800 Terminator model in Gears 5. Some customizable aesthetic items will be available too.
- Ori & the Will of the Wisps Releasing February 22, or play it sooner with Xbox Game Pass > February 11. A disappointing release date for me, honestly even expected an out now announcement but it looks Phenomenal.

- Ninja Theory announces Bleeding Edge! A sweet looking 4vs4 3rd person action combat game, coming exclusively for Xbox. The technical Alpha starts on June 27, you can sign up at bleedingedge.com
- Microsoft and Dlala show Battletoads, the epic trio returns in this colourful beat ‘m up! Aimed for couch co-op Rash, Zitz and Pimple bring the fun!
- Everything is awesome! Especially when LEGO invades Forza Horizon 4, an unexpected and out of the box DLC is coming for Horizon. Playground games and LEGO are working together for LEGO Speed Champions. See the trailer: click here Experience the LEGO-themed world starting June 13!
- Xbox Scarlett coming Holiday 2020, the new console generation for Xbox starts at the end of 2020. Four times more powerful as an Xbox One X, GDDR6 RAM, suitable for 8K gaming, using SSD for incredible fast loading times, 120 FPS and Ray-Tracing. One thing is sure, this is a monster that eats monsters like Xbox One X. The future is looking bright!

- Halo Infinite is a launch game for Xbox Scarlett, still coming to Xbox One too but the biggest news was obviously the announcement as a launch game for Scarlett. Halo fans can look forward to play as Master Chief again at the end of 2020. Halo Reach is coming this year for PC and console.
- Minecraft Dungeon releasing Spring 2020, this classic dungeon brawler will be for single or couch and online co-op. Important: this is a standalone game, so besides an updated Minecraft look this is something entirely different! With random-generated levels this aims to become a very popular game coming to almost every platform!
- Free-to-play Phantasy Star Online 2 comes for Xbox One! Insanely popular in Japan, this game from SEGA is finally coming for Xbox. Currently announced for North America, unclear if Europe can join the fun.
- Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition coming fall 2019, with a brand-new campaign called The Last Kahns, four new civilizations, a spectator mode and of course updated 4K visuals. And with cross-play between Windows 10 and Steam players!
- Xbox Elite Wireless Controller 2! The best controller in the world is getting even better with 30 improvements. Examples: adjustable tension on thumbsticks, adjusted rubberized grip and 40 hours rechargeable battery life. Coming November 4, setting you back €180.
- CrossfireX coming timed exclusive for Xbox One! a free-to-play FPS with 650 million players on PC is coming for Xbox. With exclusive content for Xbox Game Pass owners! Remedy is in charge for the rich single player part but you can expect a battle royale and normal PvP modes too.
- Also announced on the Xbox Briefing are the following multiplatform games: Blair Witch from Bloober Team, Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, Elden Ring from Fromsoftware and writer George R.R Martin, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, Tales of Arise and Twelve Minutes.
They announced one of the single biggest PC games for Xbox (CrossfireX), announced their dedication towards a legacy IP with a brand New studio for it (Age of Empires), returned the fan favorite Flight simulator, announced a shitload of games for Xbox Game Pass an unseen value in gaming, brought major new Japanese games for Xbox, showed a new IP with Bleeding Edge and confirmed that Ninja Theory is working on multiple things. With the purchase of Double Fine they are building upon the seven new studios from last year, giving me a lot of confidence that Xbox will be futureproofed for many awesome games and experiences.

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