The most relaxing experience that you can find on Xbox! That’s the Glass Masquerade jigsaw franchise in a nutshell. We scored the first one 80% and this sequel received some much-needed improvements for some of the less positive things I wrote in February 2019. At the moment of writing, I’m almost halfway with Glass Masquerade 2 and I absolutely adore it. I could honestly just finish it in a few days but I’m keeping this as some sort of solution when I had a rough day. “A jigsaw-puzzle a day keeps the bad feelings away” it would be an excellent catchphrase for Glass Masquerade 2. So Onyx Lute and Stage Clear Studios I am waiting for the third one!

Glass Masquerade 2 has two big differences, it now has a much more fun hard mode and the cursor movement has been greatly improved, it still isn’t perfect as moving through the puzzle pieces is still rather slow but the movement is much more fluent! In the hard mode, pieces aren’t set anymore so you need to rotate your puzzle-parts, making it at least ten times more difficult. This results in much longer completion times, I had an average time of 15 minutes in the first one and now around 40 minutes. Visually the glass fragments look absolutely fantastic, especially when the puzzle is taking shape and the chill music helps with removing the stress that you feel. The sheer amount of different puzzles and the pretty cheap price (€12) makes Glass Masquerade 2 a must-have for gamers that simply want to spend an evening without rushing for objectives or keeping up competitively with friends or online players in PUBG or Fifa.
There is something special about the Glass Masquerade franchise, great for escaping the busy real-life moments. Stunning visuals and ancient but fun gameplay make this one of the highlights for me in the puzzle genre.

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