‘Foxy bought a house with Jenny and the little foxes, Tim and Cindy. All was well until the evil Duke and his brother Jax attacked and trashed everything in it… kidnapped the little foxes!’ I don’t know if this description of the new Foxyland 2 game is supposed to sound scary, but if you look at the graphics of the game, it sure as hell looks more like a cute rather than dangerous adventure. Anyway, BUG-Studio is back with a sequel to the pixel platformer Foxyland from 2017! Let’s not waste any more time and get right into this one.

- Fun gameplay: For those familiar with the original Foxyland game, you’ll know the drill. Not much has changed here, but that’s alright because why change a winning product, right?! The familiar berries and surroundings are still there, while the diamonds got replaced by big coins and some new surroundings were added. The whole game just got polished up a little, and I have to admit I like the way our little Foxy looks now better!
- Two players: In Foxyland 2 you can either play alone or with a friend in local co-op! You can play with Foxy while your friend takes control of his wife Jenny. This really is a nice addition to the sequel.
- Old school graphics: I love me some old school graphics that are filled with nostalgia. The game reminds of games like Mario, yet it has its own unique feeling. If you’re a fan of pixel-art games, you’ll surely get to feast your eyes on this one. The bright and vibrant colors tend to give you a good feeling too, by the way. I was immediately sold on the graphics and I stand by my love for the pixel-art style.
- Secret parts in every level: Okay, so every level has secret compartments hidden. Some are really easy to find while others will take you a little longer. If you want to complete the big coins challenge per level (finding all 3 of them), you’ll spend a little longer on every level. You see, the levels themselves are very short. I was actually surprised by how short they actually were. You can like finish a level in a minute if you want to. But then you’re just sitting their like ‘okay but I missed all secret passageways, so I need to do this again’. These secret parts make up for the short levels and also introduce some extra challenge, which is quite nice.

- The gameplay is a little unforgiving: The reason I’m putting this point in the mixed section is that an unforgiving game can be experienced as both a good and a bad thing for me. It’s great because it adds so much challenge and thrills, which is amazing! But it can also be perceived as a bad thing sometimes since it tends to get frustrating for players to lose all your progress again and again. In Foxyland 2, you have five lives and you have to complete all the levels with these five lives or you are send back to the very beginning.
- Short but also cheap: The game doesn’t last very long. It’s your basic platform game that will grant you about 2 to 4 hours of pleasure, depending on how good you’re at it. I’m sure you could also spend more time on it if you’re not really into platformers. ANYWAY, it’s a short game. It’s a fair price for the presented content. Still, I enjoyed the game and would’ve loved some extra playable content.
- Achievements: Yay, Steam achievements! Except, not really. I do love me some Steam achievements, I mean the feeling when one pops up in the middle of your game is just fun. But why would you add useless achievements for a short game like Foxyland 2? It seems like the developers were trying to give the game a little something extra but I don’t know if achievements were the right way to go. Achievements like ‘collect 15 berries’ or ‘collect 50 small coins are just not challenging AT ALL.

- That damn noise when text appears: OMG, there is this noise that you hear when text appears and it’s so goddamn annoying. I don’t know if it’s just me, but damned I hated it from the moment I first heard it. And I know, I know, you can just turn down music or sounds, but I do like enjoying the full experience as intended by the developers, so you know. The overall soundtrack is great but holy shit, get that noise shut down.

★ Score: 80%
Foxyland 2 is a worthy successor to the original Foxyland game. It has a polished layout, new exciting features like the multiplayer mode and the big coins challenge, and once again offers fun gameplay. It’s the perfect game if you love pixel-art graphics and enjoy spending some casual gaming time behind your PC. I surely recommend Foxyland 2 for a fun time with Foxy and Jenny!
Developer: BUG-Studios Publisher: Crescent Moon Games
Played on: PC Also available on: iOs, Android
Time to beat: 2 to 4 hours
Steam Game Store link: Click here

Head of PC team. PC, Switch, and Xbox game reviewer. Also a marketeer, concert and animal lover, and photographer in training 🙂
Steam: Mauitje
Xbox: Mauitjexo