June 13, many Xbox gamers are looking forward for that special day. Brand new trailers for anticipated games, new features coming for Xbox One and Windows 10 and of course newly announced exclusives. Let’s take a look at what I think will happen!
- Phil Spencer welcomes everyone and right from the start it’s clear that the E3 2016 keynote for Xbox will be about Xbox One and Windows 10.
- First game will be Gears of War 4, mentions successful beta and biggest game of the year for Xbox One.
- EA will be on stage, promoting EA Access and announces timed exclusive content for Battlefield 1 and new exclusive Fifa 17 Legends.
- ID@Xbox boss Chris Charla comes on stage showing off gameplay from a 2D Recore, that was announced last year. Ashen, Inside and Cuphead are getting a release date and new gameplay.
- Forza Horizon 3 announced, brand new concept and very story driven. Coming for September on Xbox One and Windows 10.
- Exclusive guest character for Blizzard’s Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm coming for Xbox One (not exclusive)
- Crackdown 3 live on stage showing of destructive co-op gameplay, will be available november.
- New IP from Undead Labs, coming early next year.
- Halo Wars 2 gameplay and release date, coming out early 2017.
- New Dead Rising only on Xbox One and Windows 10 for october 2016
- Age of Empires making a glorious return for Windows 10 and Xbox One
- Ending with the Xbox One Slim console, no actual hardware improvements. Will get a lot of buzz for it’s cheap price, only $250 with one of the Q4 exclusive games.
Just like last year a few games will be spared for other press events, for example Gamescom. This year it will be:
- Sea of Thieves
- Scalebound

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Gaming is a passion and I wanted to share my Xbox enthusiasm. That’s why I started LifeisXbox, to make sure gamers all around the world know what games they should buy or avoid. I would like to thank you for visiting my website. Your support is very welcome and I hope you stick around!