Eyes on the Week (17th – 21st July)

Eyes on the Week (17th – 21st July)

Time to look back on the week we’ve just had! What did the weekdays look like for our writers? What was the biggest news from the week? and what are we looking forward to playing during the upcoming weekend? Our Eyes on the Week article will answer all three of these questions!

We’re curious about your opinion and played games, so be sure to share your stuff on our social media channels!


This week has mostly been spent playing the delightful game Dead by Daylight; damn I have a love/hate relationship with this game like no other. From being camped and tunnelled by killers and being matched with teammates who spend the entire match crouching around the side of the map doing nothing productive. Just the normal day-to-day really. However, I did find fun in getting some more survivor-related achievements and using a perk randomiser to make games a little more interesting.

TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge 3 has also been on my radar this week and the review should be posted sometime over the weekend once I’ve experienced more gameplay. Diablo IV also made a reappearance in my recent games as I needed to collect the remaining Altars of Lilith to give my new seasonal character a head start for the new season. The review is still in progress but almost done so be sure to keep an eye out for it going live next week.

I spent a small amount of time playing a few other games too. I loaded up The Game of Life 2 so I could make some achievement progress and adore the game as it holds nostalgic value for me. Kuroi Tsubasa, which is a visual novel, but I’m not very far through as there is a tonne of text to naturally work your way through without skipping. Finally, I managed to finish Active Neurons 3 – Wonders of the World.

Most exciting news of this week: The beginning of Season of the Malignant in Diablo IV which I’m excited to spend more time with. Plus, Saw X is being released a month earlier AND a Borderlands movie is being released next year?! Hell yeah!

Looking forward to playing: Dead by Daylight, Diablo IV, Kuroi Tsubasa, and DE-EXIT – Eternal Matters.


I beat Koira and the Five Pirates of Mara in a single day and really liked it, but you’ll be able to read more this Monday when my review drops!

I also started playing When the Past was Around via Xbox Games With Gold – a very fun and zen puzzler.

And, obviously, some more Final Fantasy XVI. I’m about 70% in and loving every minute of it. The story especially is hitting all the right notes for me.

Most exciting news of this week: I’m taking my first real holidays since 2019. Other than this: Games With Gold getting canned.

Looking forward to playing: Holidays and only brought the Switch, so Advance Wars and Final Fantasy Theathrythm.


I’ve played some Slime Rancher, starting from scratch, and I really like how the game plays early but playing again reminded me that the late-game resource gathering is not as fun as the slime farming itself, so I stopped playing.

I replayed SpongeBob’s Truth or Square after many years and had fun with it, but didn’t want to bother getting every collectible and upgrade.

Started playing SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated. It’s been pretty fun and looks good although I did find a few bugs in it.

Most exciting news of this week: The ABK deal case getting extended.

Looking forward to playing: More SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated.


I have been playing DROS this week. such a fun platformer that looks so nice and it’s a lot of fun. It reminds me a lot of old-school Jak & Daxter or Ratchet & Clank games. It has some very hard time challenging achievements, which I don’t think I’ll be able to unlock.

I’ve also been playing Dave the Diver and I can totally see why it has sold over a million copies. At once side, I have no idea what I’m doing, but I seem to progress through the story.. so it is fine that I don’t understand everything that is going on yet?

Most exciting news of this week: Everything that has come out this week around the ABK deal.

Looking forward to playing: More DROS and Dave the Diver.


Thanks to a faulty power supply, half of my week was spent doing minimally demanding tasks on my PC and playing light games. As such, I took a deep dive into Deep Rock Galactic (pun fully intended.)

At first, I only played when any of the other go-to games of the group simply didn’t fit the mood. Now I’m starting to see the appeal of this game in full, feeling it sinking its hooks in me. I’ve only played Scout so far, working on promoting the class, but I’m eager to try the rest!

Not wanting to demand a lot of that poor PSU, I switched to my Switch (I’m on fire, I know) and went back to Persona 5 Royal. I definitely enjoy the social aspects of the game a lot more than the combat, but I’m enjoying it more all the same. I’m of the opinion that a game shouldn’t take 40 hours to get good; but that’s a contentious topic.

Most exciting news of this week: In a move that smells of desperation, Overwatch 2 has been announced to come to Steam. In the platform itself, a surprising amount of users started voicing their displeasure with this move in the game’s discussions. Whether that is simply a vocal minority or a feeling shared by the majority remains to be seen.

Looking forward to playing: Some more Persona 5 Royal and hopefully more Middle-Earth Shadow of War.