A few weeks are left and 2017 begins. I hope you are prepared because early 2017 starts with a bang with Halo Wars 2 and Voodoo Vince. That’s not all though, take a look at the below list to see what’s coming exclusively for Xbox (Xbox One and Windows 10) in 2017!
Ashen a fine example that the critique that Xbox only support Gears-Forza-Halo is totally wrong. Ashen is an open fantasy world game with a spectacular art style and graphics. Developed by Auroro44, Ashen will truly be something special.
Air Guitar Warrior
Kinect game Air Guitar Warrior will be out next year but we don’t know much about it. I have big faith that developer Virtual Air Guitar will deliver a great Kinect game, just like their previous games.
It’s about time that Below comes out, I have been waiting for ages and 2017 will finally be the year that Capybara will release Below. This will be a timed exclusive, so other gamers can enjoy it a year later on other console platforms.
Book of Demons
Book of Demons is a deck building Hack & Slash game with a paperverse art style. With over 70 monsters and randomly generated levels, this game will provide a high replay value.
Boom Ball for Kinect 2
Virtual Air Guitar has announced two Xbox One games so far for 2017 and one of those is Boom Ball for Kinect 2. The first one was really fun and now the developer added co-op play. Keep an eye out for this one if you are a Kinect gamer!
Crackdown 3
Crackdown has always been one of my favorites and it’s making a glorious return with full-scale city destruction. One of the heavy hitters for 2017 and confirmed 4K-support on Xbox Scorpio.
One of the most anticipated games on Xbox is the cute looking Cuphead. This game has so many fans on the internet that it’s already considered a massive hit. With great looking graphics and difficult gameplay, Cuphead will hopefully be one of the most loved games for 2017 on Xbox.
It had a troubles development but Gigantic is finally in Open Beta and ready for an early release in 2017. This third person MOBA will be free-to-play, so everyone can join the fun!
Halo Wars 2
From Creative Assembly comes the sequel to one of the most loved RTS games on console, Halo Wars 2. (pretty easy, you don’t have much competition but still)
Phantom Dust Remastered
Action strategy game Phantom Dust wasn’t the most sold game on Xbox but it has become one of the biggest cult hits on the console. Microsoft is re-releasing the game with some modern touches. I know ill be playing this game quite a few hours online!
Voodoo Vince Remastered
A remastered version of the 2003 platformer, and one of Phil Spencer’s favorite games. With enhanced visuals and new animations the developer hopes to win over gamer hearts again.
My most anticipated game for next year? Without a doubt Scalebound! Everything about this game just screams fun and awesomeness. With Platinum games behind it and a cool dragon concept I’m really confident that Scalebound will deliver.
Sea of Thieves
Rare’s new IP with pirates, sailing and making friends. Sea of Thieves will surely allow for some fun gaming nights with friends. While I’m not entirely convinced yet about the concept I’m still looking forward to see what it will bring.
State of Decay 2
A sequel to the beloved first State of Decay with bigger ambitions (and likely budget). While I’m personally a little tired about the zombie-concept, State of Decay can seduce me with the tactical aspect. I’m curious to see if Undead Labs can deliver this next year, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this one in 2018
Space Engineers
Space Engineers has been in development for quite some time now, a while ago the developer confirmed that a Space Engineer Xbox console version was still in the making. This game will be a timed exclusive for Xbox One, one year.
It’s only logical that more unannounced games are still coming too, indie-games or even big triple-A games. One thing is for sure, 2017 will be a great year for Xbox with many great games and the new Xbox Scorpio.

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Gaming is a passion and I wanted to share my Xbox enthusiasm. That’s why I started LifeisXbox, to make sure gamers all around the world know what games they should buy or avoid. I would like to thank you for visiting my website. Your support is very welcome and I hope you stick around!