In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the times we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media! 🙂

Played: Sir Lovelot | Jeopardy! | Pumpkin Jack | Marvel’s Avengers | The Outer Worlds
In sir Lovelot it is fantastic to be the prince as this weekend he had ‘wild nights’ with 40 princesses. I had a blast finishing this lovely 2D platformer! Started with a Medievil inspired platform game, called Pumpkin Jack. which I will review later this week. Continued my pregression with Marvel’s Avengers and The Outer Worlds, both are optimised for Xbox Series X and the difference is night and day.

Played: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla | In Rays of the Light | The Outer Worlds
I didn’t have a lot of time to game this weekend, only having the TV to myself from 23:30 onwards. I’m slowly getting towards the 100% completion in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla though, with just the Jötunheim region left to explore. This has been a 120+ hour adventure and we’ll soon be getting new DLC, which means this will probably top my charts as the most played game in 2020. I also had a brief playthrough of In Rays of the Light, but I wasn’t a big fan. Normally I really enjoy these post-apocalyptic settings and narrative adventures, but the slow framerate and the terrible lighting in the darker sections really turned me off. So much so that I don’t even want to go back for a quick playthrough and the final achievements. Lastly, I reinstalled The Outer Worlds to explore the latest DLC: Murder on Eridanos. Playing this on the Xbox Series X really makes it a lot more enjoyable, with all the quick loading. Just a shame that all that loading screen art will now go to waste

Played: Overwatch | Trader Life Sim | Apex Legends
I played some Overwatch this weekend, trying to learn dps like Tracer Echo and Mei. Getting better but sometimes teams are frustrating, and then I dont mean the enemy team… Also played some Trader Life Simulator for a review, so far I’m just trying to understand everything but it seems like a fun chill game. Keep an eye out for the review around the 29th of this month. Ended the weekend by playing some Apex Legends with Xen, had a lot of fun with that, we even got first place once (totally not carried.)

Played: Wolfenstein: New Order | SMITE
This weekend, I’ve fallen even more in love with a series and that series would be the Wolfenstein one. Firstly, I finished playing Wolfenstein: The New Order, managed to get all the achievements and I have to say, it was a fantastic game. I couldn’t fault anything about the game. If you’re into first-person shooters and have games pass, I would highly recommend giving it a go. I spent a fair amount of time playing two games I’m currently reviewing which should be on the site shortly so keep your eyes peeled for them. Finally, of course, I finished off with some games on SMITE and had a brilliant time. Starting to enjoy hunters more so who knows, I might start trialing the carry/hunter role more in the future.

Played: Curse of the Dead Gods | Diablo 3 | Apex Legends
I had a blast this weekend! I started by playing quite a bit of Curse of the Dead gods, which is an amazing game. Got all the way to the second stage with some bosses, and overall felt quite accomplished when I was done. Furthermore, I played Diablo 3 with Mikachu, and actually liking that game now! Did not expect that to be fair! To end off our Sunday, we picked up Apex Legends again, and actually won our very first game!

Founder | Editor-in-chief | Social Media Manager
Gaming is a passion and I wanted to share my Xbox enthusiasm. That’s why I started LifeisXbox, to make sure gamers all around the world know what games they should buy or avoid. I would like to thank you for visiting my website. Your support is very welcome and I hope you stick around!