Review Air Guitar Warrior for Kinect | I’m repeating myself with every review for a Kinect game, but thumbs up for developer Virtual Air Guitar for keeping the Kinect alive and breathing. If it wasn’t for them, Kinect gamers wouldn’t have had anything to look forward too. The Sixth game from the Finnish developer for Xbox One is Air Guitar Warrior for Kinect. Let’s find out if rocking it out in this game is worth it.
- You can be a rock God in this game but developer Virtual Air Guitar is a Kinect God when it comes to motion performance. The movement tracking is spot on and I was never frustrated or annoyed by tracking oddities. Four different guitar movements and moving your shark or UFO up and down works perfect. So once again, excellent work for the dev team.
- The concept is easy, hold a virtual guitar and survive the levels by strumming. You have four strum-attacks, each have limited ammunition so you’ll have to switch your movements regularly. And keep your focus on enemy types and preparing for what’s to come. Do you use your spread attack now or wait when more enemies are on screen? It provides some surprisingly deep gameplay that remains fun throughout the campaign and more.
- Seeing yourself standing in the ridicules levels shooting skeletons and riding robotic sharks or racing crocodiles is very special. I can imagine that many players will take screenshots and share it with friends. (I hope so! More gamers will learn about the game)
- 19 different tracks is more than I hoped for. You always have song fatigue with these kind of games, but it takes a while before it sets in. I was happy to hear some excellent rock tunes, more heavy rock would have been welcome but I was pretty happy with the selection.
- Visually things look pretty good, backgrounds might seem a little basic but the art design makes up for it. You see that a lot of time was spend making it visually attractive. The magic comes from seeing yourself but without good backgrounds all of that would have been lost.
- Bosses are impressive and require some skill, one thing I don’t like is the lack of indication how boss attacks work. You have to remember each boss attack first before you can dodge it. The trial and error gameplay didn’t realy fit the game. The danger with replaying a part too much is song repetitiveness. Overall I’m happy with the effort they did bringing some unique boss fights, I don’t want to spoil but trust me when I say that some fights will put a smile on your face.
- It doesn’t happen often but I have nothing bad to say 🙂
85% | Air Guitar Warrior for Kinect is a splendid motion game that will awake the rock God within you. Tracking is flawless and a fine example that Kinect games can work perfectly. I’m eagerly awaiting to see what’s next for developer Virtual Air Guitar.

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