More than 150 games were added in 2020, I played 52 of them. Making the total value €1381. I don’t know about you but that makes Xbox Game Pass an incredible deal for me. This is without Red Dead Redemption 2, Doom Eternal, all the Final Fantasy games, or Ace Combat 7 as I already bought them. You can trust on Xbox Game Pass to get weekly new games, brand-new games each month and something very important for me an easy way to get friends together with online games or co-op games like the recent Phogs.
Important to understand here is that the value is €1381 for me, this can be three times as high for others as I buy or receive many review games. Xbox Game Pass also allows me to play my games on the road, as multiple games can be played with Xbox Streaming increasing the value even more.
Here is what I played with Xbox Game Pass
January: Children of Morta (€22) Indivisible (€40).
February: Yakuza 0 (€20) Two Point Hospital (€40) Ninja Gaiden 2 (€30) Wolfenstein Youngblood (€30)
March: Bleeding Edge (€30) The Surge 2 (€40) Pikuniku (€13) Ori and the Will of the Wisps (€30)
April: Levelhead (€20), Streets of Rage 4 (€25) , Deliver Us the Moon (€25), Journey to the savage planet (€30)
May: Golf with your friends (€20)
June: The Messenger (€20), Observation (€25), West of Dead (€20)
July: The Touryst (€20) , Carrion (€20) , Neon Abyss (€20) , Fallout 76 (€40)
August: Wasteland 3 (€60), Double Kick Heroes (€22), Tell me Why (€30), New Super Lucky’s Tale (€40), Battletoads (€20), Xeno Crisis (€20) , Undermine (€20), Darksiders Genesis (€35)
September: Hotshot racing (€20) Resident Evil 7 (€30) Touhou Luna (€20)
October: Unruly Heroes (€20) , Full throttle (€15) , Day of the Tentacle (€15), Grim Fandango (€15), Carto (€18), Gonner2 (€13), Supraland (€20) , Katana Zero (€20)
November: Tetris Effect (€40) Planet Coaster (€50), Gears Tactics (€60)
December: Superhot (€25), Greedfall (€30), Monster Sanctuary, Call of the Sea (€20), Dragon Quest (€40), Haven (€25), Phogs (€25)

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Gaming is a passion and I wanted to share my Xbox enthusiasm. That’s why I started LifeisXbox, to make sure gamers all around the world know what games they should buy or avoid. I would like to thank you for visiting my website. Your support is very welcome and I hope you stick around!