News: If you ask my opinion they should have just delayed the original ReCore so we didn’t end up with this situation. That said, let’s take a look at what new features you can expect in this ReCore Definitive Edition.
- First things first, ReCore has much better visuals, increased resolution and better anti-aliasing.
- A complete new story has been added, named “Eye of Obsidian”
- The new bot that was promised months ago wil finally be available. T8-NK Corebot will have some deep impact on gameplay, you can also travel a lot faster than before.
- New environments and dungeons
- New gear for all bots and three new weapons for Joule.
- New enemy types, for more variation.
- Reduced loading times
- Improved frame rate
ReCore Definitive Edition will be available worldwide on August 29, it will also be added for Xbox Game Pass!

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