Ord. A game created by Mujo Games. Rhymes with… Word. And honestly, that’s pretty much the game.
Well, not entirely. But, that’s exactly what the game consists of. Words.
If you’re hoping for an exciting adventure, young one? Then you might want to hold off and read this review first before jumping headlong into this one. Because it’s actually quite a tricky one.
So, interested about what Ord. is all about? Then read on in this review filled with… Words…?
This is… Ord.!
This is a short-review, our usual the good, mixed and the bad was difficult because of the nature of this game. We played Ord. for 3 hours on Xbox Series X.

Ord. is a curious little thing, honestly. If you’ve ever played one of those first old-school adventure types of games? Then you might feel, somewhat, very far off in the distance, with an entire desert separating you from the destination, connected to this one.
The basic principle is very, VERY simple.
– Subject.
– Action?
– Resolution.
Everything exists out of 1 word.
Example: (hah, no pun intended).
- Mushroom.
- Pick or Eat.
If you select Eat? - Poisoned.
- Bed.
- Push or Search
If you select Search? - Magazine.
I won’t tell you what happens there, but… it’s quite hilarious.
There are 5 stories in Ord.
One puts you in the shoes of an adventurer while another might make you a literal god that creates his own planet for you to populate.
Now, don’t think that Ord. is just words.
Depending on how you go along your storyline, things will change. The hue may go from white to sand brown, if you are in a desert.
If you’re in hiding or in a dark cave, the words will grow dim and dark, as if you’re actually in a cave.
Normally, you know me by now, I’d shun away from the typical Ratalaika game, but this one intruïged me.
But as I said, this is not for your everyday gamer!
You really must enjoy word-y games like this. Because if you don’t? You won’t enjoy this one.