Review | Luna’s Fishing Garden

Review | Luna’s Fishing Garden

LifeisXbox’s Luna’s Fishing Garden review | Psst, hey! Welcome to another review! Today we will be reviewing Luna’s Fishing Garden, developed and published by ColdwildGames. When I saw this game, I told everyone on the PC reviewing team to back off; this game is mine! Luna’s Fishing Garden is a very chill game that you can probably put in the same category as Animal Crossing, especially the fishing. So if that is your kind of game, I would recommend to keep reading!

Mika played Luna’s Fishing Garden for 3 hours on Steam (PC). This game is also available on Nintendo Switch and the Epic Store.

What we liked!

  • Story | Luna’s Fishing Garden is a simple yet amazing game so let me tell you all about it! The game starts by showing a little girl, getting sweeped up by a storm. You land on a little island, with small islands all around, and a very pretty looking fox. When you speak to the fox you will find out her name is Luna and she asks for help. The storm has completely demolished her beautiful garden and it’s up to you to help her and everyone around.
  • Gameplay | But how do I help a magical fox you might ask? By fishing in her garden ofcourse! At the start you get two options to choose from, involving the fishing, which is 80% of this game: the hard mode, or the chill mode. I chose the chill mode and it was indeed that, very chill, and I loved that they thought about the casual gamers aswell. After giving Luna some fish, she will send you to my favourite character! (More about that in the next topic). He will ask you to catch certain fish for him: for example two tunas and a goldfish. After getting those he will give you currency for your effort. With that currency (leafs) you can buy things for on the water to make more curency: Cattail, Lotus, Pearl Clam and more. The most expensive “item” you can buy for the water is a Capybara house (if you don’t know what those are, google it. You wont be dissapointed). They are, first of all, very cute, but also very nice to have because they harvest all the plants and clams you have on the water for you , and give you the money automaticly when they get back to their house. They look incredibly cute as mentioned so I made a selfie with them, haha (picture below.) After that there is another tab in the store for trees: Banana, Avocado, Coconut and more. The same goes for these but there are no cute Capybara’s to harvest that, you’ll need to do it yourself. And then for the last tab of the store. The birds: Kea, Kiwi, Morepork and Takahe nests are right there, for you to put on your island… Kinda Luna’s but hey, don’t tell her!
  • Characters | As mentioned above you will meet my favourite character after meeting Luna. His name is.. Jellybean! Ye Jellybean, and he is an absolute cutey of a seal. He speaks in his own way, just like all of the characters in this game. They all have character, and I absolutely loved that. Legit made me smile, cute little Jellybean.
  • Music | I couldn’t wish for better music for this game. Chill music for a chill game, gosh who would have thought that would work! It’s basically just happy guitar play with other sounds and instruments around it. In some way it reminded me of a little part in Shrek the movie. You will be humming this song in your head after a while and tapping your fingers to the rythm while playing. It just does that to you.
  • Graphics |Another pixel game and yet I can’t get enough of them. Just look at the screenshots how cute and colourful this game is. As far as I can see the fish in the game are like how we know them, like Tuna but in pixel form. Luna and all of her buddies look amazing.
My first Capybara! Bob (left) and Frank (Right).

Somewhere between

  • Inconvenient | I absolutely adore this game, but there was a little thing that bothered me. My inventory kept being full.. and when you need to go all the way back to Luna to sell everything… oh lord that takes long in the mid game. However, you will get upgrades soon after. I really recommend that you get the upgrades ASAP so u can FISH AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, WOOOOH!
My favorite character: Jellybean.

What we disliked

  • Nothing!

How long to beat the story | 3 hours
How long to achieve 1000G | 3 hours
Similar with | Animal Crossing



Luna’s Fishing Garden really cheered me up while being sick. It’s so chill and simple yet so much fun! You fish, sell, unlock more water to fish, and more land to plant trees. And find more friends to help! Just a lovely experience and also very well suited for both adults and children. is the largest Belgian Xbox centered website, your reading time is greatly appreciated! Please consider sharing this review with your friends on social media, that means a lot for us! If you are Dutch speaking also consider joining our Dutch exclusive Facebook group Xbox Gamers Belgium. Feel free to use quotes for PR purposes.