LifeisXbox’s Raptor Territory preview | Maybe you didn’t know, but besides Jurassic World Evolution 2, another game revolving around dinosaurs was released in 2021. Of course, I’m talking about Raptor Territory, a strategic action game developed and published by RedClaw Productions. This brand new PvP adventure recently entered Early Access on Steam, and we happily took a first look at the gameplay, graphics, and everything Raptor Territory has to offer so far.
ℹ️ Previewed on PC | Preview code provided by PR/publisher, this preview is the personal opinion from the writer and is based on an unfinished game.

What is Raptor Territory?
Raptor Territory is a strategic PvP action game where you get to take control of a Deinonychus. You’ll be engaging in multiple game modes, on seven different maps. More and different maps are coming in the future. Right now, you can customize your raptor a little bit, but it’s still very basic. The Steam page does mention introducing different classes, each with its own abilities (like a slow raptor that deals a lot of damage), but we’ll have to be patient to see that feature implemented. As mentioned on the Steam page, the controls are really easy. And it’s true, they are, you get the hang of them within seconds of playing.
What modes are there so far?
At this moment, Raptor Territory has a total of six playable modes. A few more game modes are promised during the early access development phase, but for now, let’s focus on what the game has to offer so far. The first mode is called Rescue The Baby Raptor where you take control of a baby deinonychus. Your goal is simple: survive. The second mode is The Conquerors of the Nest. This game mode can handle up to 52 players, which seems very chaotic but also super awesome. I really hope I can see a full lobby someday here! The players are divided into 4 teams and you have to destroy the nests of the rival teams.
Third, we have Become A Foodie. Ah, yes, now this sounds interesting. An easy PvP mode where your goal is to eat as much as you can. Simple as that! The team that eats the most, wins. I love that there was a less serious mode implemented as well. Head-on Collision is the fourth mode which is basically Raptor Territory’s take on a Death Match. The team that kills the most opponents, wins the match.
In Capture the Map, you have to place your branded nests in order to… well yes, capture the entire map. You’ll also be removing the nests placed by your enemies, so some strategic and quick thinking is necessary. And last but not least, we have the Ultimate Free Roaming. Of course, there is a free-roaming mode in Raptor Territory where you can do whatever you want to do.
The modes so far are pretty interesting and diverse. I’m quite satisfied with the content that Raptor Territory has to offer so far, and I’m really curious to see what other modes will be added in the future.

I had some doubts about the graphics
When I first saw the main Steam image of this game, I had some serious doubts about the graphics. However, I can assure you that the dinosaurs do look much better in-game. I’m not expecting triple-A graphics here, but they are not necessary either. The way the deinonychuses and surroundings look is good enough for the game, I’d say. The maps too look quite good. I enjoyed running around and exploring the areas. There are currently seven different maps in Raptor Territory, but more will be added in future patches.
What is missing?
As is the case with a lot of online multiple games that are in Early Access, everything kind of depends on the number of players. If there is no player base, the game is pretty dead, and people will give up on it quite easily. And I think this is exactly something the developers have to focus on right now: building a community and creating some extra reach for Raptor Territory. It happened a little too often that I felt like trying out the game and that there were no opponents online. Yeah, sure, there is a single-player mode but this one isn’t nearly as fun as the PvP matches. I feel like right now, I haven’t gotten the full taste of what Raptor Territory has to offer, but I hope this will change when the full game launches. We’ll be sure to keep you up to date with a review then!
The game started at € 9.99 but I see that it’s only € 0.79 right now on Steam?! So if you want to support this game, and help the community around it grow, I suggest you go take a look at the Steam page! is the largest Belgian Xbox-centered website, your reading time is greatly appreciated! Please consider sharing this preview with your friends on social media, that means a lot for us! If you are Dutch-speaking also consider joining our Dutch exclusive Facebook group Xbox Gamers Belgium. Feel free to use quotes for PR purposes.
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Head of PC team. PC, Switch, and Xbox game reviewer. Also a marketeer, concert and animal lover, and photographer in training 🙂
Steam: Mauitje
Xbox: Mauitjexo