In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the time we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media! 🙂
Dae Jim |
Robby (BloodyGoodReviews) | I went back to Pumpkin Jack to get the full 1000G, it was a bit of a grind mostly because I had to start from scratch as every time the game receives an update, it deletes your entire save file. But I persisted and finally got it. You can check Jim’s review for it [HERE] I also played more The Gunk, which is a great title about cleaning up a planet and restoring life to it and that reminded me I had started Wavetale on Stadia and still needed to complete it so I booted that up instead before my Stadia Pro trial is over. It’s a fantastic game with an amazing traversal system and is very much underappreciated simply because it’s on Stadia. Hope it will get its time in the limelight soon when it launches on consoles. You can check a let’s play of it HERE:
+ Who knows: I might write a review for it soon ^^
Rafael | Nothing to report.
Alexis | Nothing to report.
Aaron | Nothing to report.
VicciVulpix | As recently I’ve been returning to my backlog to complete some previously started games, I returned to SiNKR and finished off the remaining levels, therefore obtaining the full completion. I also installed a chunk of games from Xbox Games Pass to play over the Christmas period but I couldn’t help starting off PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay as I wanted something relaxing to play. I have decided Everest is by far my favourite pup. I did manage to do everything the game had to offer. I played a couple of conquest matches in SMITE where I was able to try out the new God, Atlas. Although he is quite weak and a little underwhelming, I do like his abilities and enjoyed playing him. Finally, I returned to Bleeding Edge over the weekend to see if I could be successful with the matchmaking and thankfully, I was able to play multiple matches and obtain my final achievement. I’m still quite saddened that the player base has dropped off dramatically as I think it was a pretty decent game.
Maui | On Friday evening, I started playing some White Shadows, a very cool cinematic platformer. Even though this is quite a short game, I didn’t finish it that day because I was very tired from my first week at my new job. On Saturday, I didn’t game at all but I did finally buy a game that I’ve been wanting to try out ever since it was released: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. The Switch version was on sale, so I immediately bought it! Finally, on Sunday, I finished White Shadows and wrote my review for it. I played some more Kingdom Hearts 3, and I also dived into Ni No Kuni but that was cut short because Michael and I had plans to go see the new Spiderman movie. Holy shit, what a movie, I still haven’t recovered from it yet! Anyway, I can’t wait to return to my Ni No Kuni story!
Michael | On Friday I played a lot of RuneScape 3 since I had a day off. Saturday there wasn’t much time to game since I had my first session for a new tattoo, which hurted like hell. When I got home I bought Call of Duty: Vanguard and played a little bit of that. I really enjoyed it although it was my first Call of Duty game on a console so had a hard time aiming with a controller. This Sunday I had to work during the day but in the evening I went to the new Spiderman movie with Maui, if you haven’t seen it go check it out before the spoilers! It’s awesome!
Orange Spark | This weekend I spent time tying up the loose ends in Deathloop, returned to the island of Tsushima, played some more of the regular Elite Dangerous and Dead by Daylight, and fell across the districts of Hekseville. I finished my first run of Deathloop on Friday evening (Saturday morning). After puzzling together everyone’s schedule and how to trick them into being where I want them, Colt checked them all out of hotel Blackreef. I won’t spoil what I did at the end for anyone who hasn’t played it yet, but I got the hidden ending. Great fun! Furthermore, I dusted off my (checks if Jim is watching) Playstation 4 to get some of my backlogged games out of the way. I started that off with Ghost of Tsushima, a tale of how the samurai Jin Sakai liberated the island of Tsushima from the Mongol invaders. I cleared the story up to act one, with a decent helping of sidequests. The Mongol invasion of Tsushima will end swiftly, I’m sure of it. I did some of my, at this point weekly, multicrewing sessions in Elite Dangerous Odyssey on Saturday. You can read my review on it [HERE]. If that weekend wasn’t packed enough already, I also quickly got in an hour of Gravity Rush 2. Didn’t do anything of note besides reacquainting myself with the controls. I feel like I left it well past the halfway mark there, but we’ll see how much mileage I’ll still get out of it.Â
Colombo | Besides playing a bit of the usual Microsoft Solitaire Collection while listening to music, I also played a bit of Eldritch Reanimated, which is a pretty fun roguelike. Started playing The Gunk and so far it’s been interesting. Lastly, I played more of Grim Dawn Definitive Edition for my next review, I’m still enjoying it, but it could’ve been better ported to console, you’ll see more of it when my review is out.
Bradley Delaere | On Saturday day I played Alchemist Simulator for a few hours. It’s a pretty fun game, but it does get kinda repetitive after a while. A review’s coming soon! The rest of the weekend I played Halo: The Master Chief Collection; Halo CE specifically. My current goals are to get all the par scores, beat the campaign on legendary in under 3 hours, and (something that may prove too difficult for me) beat Halo CE on LASO. So far I’ve managed to complete the first 2 levels on LASO, but from what I’ve heard, level 3 seems to be the most difficult in Halo CE.

Hello, I’m Victoria. I’m from the UK and have been playing video games for as long as I can remember; back on DreamCast. I’ve pretty much fallen for Xbox since I was around eight years old and remember BioShock being my first game on the Xbox360. Although I find it thoroughly enjoyable to not only experience gameplay, I also find comfort in getting lost and engrossed in the online worlds that sometimes differ greatly from what we know. Another side of my Xbox passion would be achievement hunting and gamerscore. I thrive when I hear the little sound of one popping up on the screen and I’m always finding ways to work on my backlog when possible. Horror is my favourite genre so if you have any recommendations, don’t be afraid to send them my way!