Eyes on the Week (6th-10th May)

Eyes on the Week (6th-10th May)

It’s time to look back on the week we’ve just had! What did the weekdays look like for our writers? What was the biggest news from the week? and what are we looking forward to playing during the upcoming weekend? Our Eyes on the Week article will answer all three of these questions!

We’re curious about your opinion and played games, so be sure to share your stuff on our social media channels!


This week has been pretty rubbish as my TV decided to stop working on Sunday which has limited my time on Xbox to just the evenings; I’ve moved my Xbox downstairs for the time being.

However, when I have managed to get on, one game has managed to consume almost all of my attention. Yes, I’m now onto the obsession of Overwatch 2 and I’ve even been playing the odd game of DPS as well as support now. For DPS, Ashe has been my go-to because I feel most comfortable with her kit and as for support, Illari may have taken Moira as my favourite – I never thought I would see the day. Lewis has also been experimenting with other DPS heroes so we are both just trying to get more confidence with other choices. It’s nice to switch it up now and again.

The only other game I’ve played in Norco as it’s leaving Xbox Games Pass on May 14/15th. Although in using a guide, it’s been an interesting game so far and I’m looking forward to continuing the story and finishing it up over the weekend.

Most interesting news of this week: The closing of multiple Bethesda studios, including Tango Game Works and Arkane Austin, has enraged and upset the community. I’m really gutted there won’t be another Evil Within title. Xbox have stuck the knife in and it’s not a good look.

Looking forward to playing: I’ll be playing more Overwatch 2, Norco, and trying out Little Kitty, Big City!


I just beat Lil Gator Game this week, it was a nice 1000G completion ^^

I’m a huge fan of card games (just see my recent Balatro review, even though that is a whole different genre). I’ve been hooked by Magic the Gathering & Hearthstone. Solforge Fusion almost tempted me to come back (but it looks worse than the original Solforge in all ways). But this past 2 weeks I’ve been playing Screenplay CCG and they have a really cool mechanic where your “heroes” or Leads in this case, because it’s movie-themed, decide your win conditions. I already cooked up 3 very different decks and have had success with each one. It’s pretty cool how there is a meta that’s evolving within the small community. Here is my gameplay video, and you can download the game for FREE on Steam.

I also played a new free horror game called Mimic Search, which you can beat in just half an hour. Check it out if you want a bite-sized scare.

Most interesting news of this week: I think this will probably be the same for everyone, but Tango & other studios closing by Xbox came as a shock. I have no clue what they are doing over there anymore and it’s VERY hard to root for the brand these days.

Looking forward to playing: I keep promising myself I’ll beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but I’m only at 60% or so.


Just like meat for the orcs, gaming has been back on the menu for me this week. The weekend saw me mostly playing Final Fantasy XIV, working my way through the last of the Yokai Watch collaboration event weapons, doing my tribal quests and managing my submarines. I’m looking into collecting all the triple triad cards needed for the card mount as a next long term project, but I’m not fully sure on whether or not I want to throw myself against that wall so close to Dawntrail.

Early this week when the FFXIV servers were having login issues due to an alleged DDOS attack I did something past me would’ve laughed heartily at, by joining some friends in Fallout 76. A lot more stable and lively than at launch, Fallout still isn’t really my thing. Yet I intend to give it a fair shake and see if I can’t get into it. I’ll definitely have to see about diving into the control bindings file, as incomplete ingame bindings are the bane of any Azerty keyboard gamer.

I put a bit more time into Another Crab’s Treasure, but less than I anticipated. I’m off on a treasure hunt now so I can buy my shell back. Still utterly charmed and greatly humoured by the writing and setting.

And on Wednesday, Honkai Star Rail released their 2.2 story update, giving us what is seemingly the finale of the Penacony story arc. The new banner this time is for Robin, a supportive unit that packs a serious punch. And cool as her kit may be, I’ll have to be strong and save up for Firefly in patch 2.3. It is honestly stunning how great the story is both on its own and even more so when compared to Genshin Impact’s. I won’t talk about it here in case someone hasn’t played it yet, but I am amazed this can essentially be enjoyed for free.

Most interesting news of this week: Big players in the games industry are playing spin the shotgun, with Microsoft gleefully blasting off their own foot after Sony managed to miss its own arm by a hair’s breadth.

Looking forward to playing:  I’ll give Fallout 76 another couple of whirls, and dive back into Another Crabs Treasure for sure.


Now that I’m back from my holiday, I was able to do a little gaming. I have actually been playing two games, Fallout 76 & Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I don’t know why, but I was recently reminded of it & decided to play through it again. I did play through some Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes as well before starting MGS V just to get used to it again, & it’s crazy to think that game is 10 years old already.

Loving the new updates to Fallout with its better frame rates, & extra content. The show really has giving these games a new lease of life, & with more people playing them again, it’s good to see others traversing the wasteland.

Most interesting news of this week: Has to be about Microsoft closing down several studios. Utterly gut-wrenching & downright bizarre. I hope everyone affected finds work soon.

Looking forward to playing: More MGS V.


I’ve been playing quite a bit of Super Smash Bros Ultimate‘s Adventure mode this week. I started it last week and I’m around 20 hours in already, it shouldn’t be long before I finish it.

I’m still playing a bit of Dead by Daylight, at least one match a day and as always, I’m only playing as a killer. I’m also still playing Overwatch 2 but I’m only playing the mystery heroes game mode. I haven’t built up the “courage” to play competitively.

I’ve played a few minutes of Have a Nice Death, and although I did find it interesting and good-looking, I don’t think I’ll be coming back to it too soon as I want to play something else before it.

Most interesting news of this week: The closing of four studios by Microsoft, it’s really disappointing to see that happening, but I’ll try to keep positive and believe we’ll get good news soon.

Looking forward to playing: More Dead by Daylight, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and Overwatch 2.


I finally was able to enjoy gaming again. Lately, it is up and down with the enjoyment I get from gaming and I’m so glad this was a good week!

I played Tempus Bound, a small indie platforming game, which reminds me so much of the Snes/Gameboy era. It was short but so enjoyable.

That same day Cozy Space Survivors launched, a small but great bullet heaven game. In this one, you complete missions on the map and I was so happy to see crossover references like Lente’s Spilled! game.

Another game I played this week is Undercover – Secret Management, which is lovely. I like this vampire theme and this one has much nicer achievements than previous titles, no grindy ones.

And last but definitely not least, I played Loddlenaut, which has been on my most wanted wishlist since it was released. I kept an eye out for it since I learned about it as it looked just up my alley and I wasn’t wrong, it was great! Cleaning up and catering to cute little creatures, what can go wrong?

Most interesting news of this week: Sigh… everything Microsoft/Xbox. I have felt so many sad and angry emotions toward this whole thing. Especially because they throw away the smaller and more creative studios. I love indie games and games from small studios. That is where you find creative and unique games nowadays.

Looking forward to playing: Little Kitty, Big City! It looks lovely from everything I have seen about it! So I hope to start playing it this weekend.


What a week. Not for me! I got to play some more Guilty Gear Strive, it’s quite likely tonight I’ll play some games on stream, nothing high level. Besides that, I’m close to the end of The Great Ace Attorney Adventures 2. Sadly, I don’t think it’s as good as the first one, but that seems to be a pattern for the series…

Most interesting news of this week: Microsoft, you were meant to bring progress to the studios you bought, not destroy them! The public outrage is perfectly understandable, and my heart goes out to all the employees that were let go and their families. This industry is too shitty for your abilities, you deserve better.

Looking forward to playing: Finishing Ace Attorney 2 at last!


This week I’ve mostly been playing Harold Halibut which after a slow start is really growing on me, with some unique characters, a great story and fantastic visuals, look out for my review in the coming days.

I’ve also gone back to playing Worms W.M.D versus a friend which is so much fun, we set our own rules and then battle it out to victory.

I’ve also been making good progress on Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 story mode. I’m enjoying mastering the tracks and experimenting with the different vehicles available.

The new season kicked off on Apex Legends this week, so it’s been fun experimenting with the new character and getting to grips with her abilities plus exploring the new map. Solo mode is also back with this season’s update, which was always a favourite of mine.

Most interesting news of this week: Bethesda closing multiple studios came out of nowhere and was a big shock. Still doesn’t make sense why this has happened, especially when they produced some great games such as The Evil Within series and Hi-Fi Rush.

Looking forward to playing: Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 is only weeks away now, I can’t wait to get started on that.


So this week I have mostly been resting, trying to recover from yet another new strain of COVID; on the plus side it did make my voice all cool and gravelly.  Gaming-wise, I have been playing a lot of Resident Evil 4 Remake whilst also making my way through the games I have to review. Mostly though I have just been on the road to recovery from my fourth tussle with this awful illness.

Most interesting news of this week: Yeah, I’m in agreement that the closure of Tango and others has been a hefty blow to the games community as a whole. But on the plus side my friend The Meatly has been announcing more info about upcoming Bendy projects and last but not least there is a Ghost movie on the way called Rite Here Rite Now.

Looking forward to playing: A whole host of Indie Horror games on PC and I might replay the Evil Within games on Xbox.