Bye 2019, hello 2020!

Bye 2019, hello 2020!

Let me be honest with you, 2019 was a difficult year for me. This was the first time that I had a writer’s block and I struggled (and still do) with playing games and writing about it. As always I know I can count on my dedicated staff members. If it wasn’t for them our content production would have been far far less. So I want to thank them for sticking with LifeisXbox, I am not lying when I say that I have the best staff members!

We had more than two million visitors, the first time ever! So I am really, really proud of what my little site has accomplished. This wouldn’t be possible without my staff and obviously the readers! So a big thank you!

2020 promises to be another great year for LifeisXbox, we will launch a complete redesign of the site, have plans for e3 and who isn’t excited about the upcoming new Xbox? 🙂 Thanks again to be part of this journey!