You can’t argue about Xbox One’s line up for this and next year, it has never been so diverse and full with potential. Not all of them will be highly reviewed but all of them have the potential to become a serious commercial succes.
Microsoft are mostly advertising following exclusive games for 2016 & 2016
- Rise of the Tomb raider (2015) (Timed exclusive for one year)
- Gigantic (2015)
- Gears of War Ultimate Edition (2015)
- Forza Motorsport 6 (2015)
- Rare Replay (Out now)
- Fable Legends (2015)
- Halo 5: Guardians (2015)
- Recore (Early 2016)
- Killer Instinct Season 3 (March 2016)
- Quantum Break (April 2016)
- Gears of War 4 (Holiday 2016)
- Sea of Thieves (2016)
- Crackdown 3 (2016)
- Scalebound (2016)
- Halo Wars 2 (2016)
But that’s not all, Xbox One also has the following exclusive experiences!
Cobalt, Ashen, FRU, Castle Crashers Remastered, Quest of Dungeons, Crabitron and Inside
Cuphead, ENKI, Happy Dungeons, Pit People, The Solus Project, Below and Space Engineers
Anyway, the above is all good news of course, but we still haven’t seen everything from Micrsoft. Who knows what deals they are making with third party studios. More importantly they still have first party studios left that are working, in secret, with something new for the console. Let’s take a look.
First we have Press Play, the studio that brought us Max: The Curse of the Brotherhood and Kalimba. They have been working on something new for a while now.. could still be for 2015 but likely 2016. Rumored to be a new IP; but a new Max or Tentacles is always welcome too!
True, LocoCycle didn’t break any walls of greatness but Twisted Pixel has a legacy with great games. For example The Maw, Gunstringer and Splosion Man. Phil Spencer teased it a while ago with ” The game is very different from anything they’ve done before” and “will likely be the biggest game they’ve ever built from the look of it.” What will it be? I don’t know but I’m looking forward for it!
To be honest, I thought Halo Wars 2 was in development with Microsoft’s new strategy studio Decisive Games but I was wrong. First discovered in November 2014 the team is working on “the next installment in a beloved strategy game franchise” So what could this be? Age of Empires or Rise of Nations? Time will tell.
With studiohead Lee Schuneman and 60 employees Lift London must be making something interesting for Xbox One. I have been waiting for two years now for news about what game Lift London is making, I really hoped for news at this Gamescom, but no. This is what Lift London has to say:
We’ve got a fantastic team, with hundreds of years of experience and billions of pounds in sales between them. Now they’re all collaborating and communicating on… well, we can’t tell you what we’re working on just yet.
Undead Labs signed a Multiple year contract, multi-title agreement with Microsoft and are likely working on a zombie MMO called Class4, but was still waiting on approval from Microsoft. Considering State of Decay was a pretty awesome fun game to play I’m really looking forward for whatever they make in the future.

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