While not every announced game has a release date yet we have a pretty full year with some awesome games! We might see even more games for this year with Gamescom and XO19 around the corner but gamers can look forward to a very bright future!

July isn’t the most busy month from the remaining six months from 2019 but it has a game I truly fell in love with at Gamescom! (Spoiler: Etherborn) So be sure to finish your backlog (if possible) in this month, YOU WILL NEED IT! Another noteworthy release is Wolfenstein Youngblood, focussing heavy on co-op play.
Other games in July: Stranger Things 3 – Sea of Solitude – Bear With Me – Growtopia – Lost Ember – Doughlings: Invasion

We’re beginning with the load of games people! Without a doubt the game that deserves your money the most in August will be Remedy’s Control! But that isn’t the only thing, Blair Witch the new exclusive Xbox game announced at the Microsoft E3 briefing is also releasing and while not really popular in Europe, Madden NFL 20 will sell a few million in America. I’m also looking forward for The Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game, while it isn’t really my kind of genre I do love this franchise!
Other games in August: Age of Wonders – Killer Queen Black – RAD – Remnant – Qubit’s Quest – Man of Medan – The Wild Eight

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN SEPTEMBER!! Prepare to be sad for not having any time for playing everything that comes out in this insanely packed month! All eyes are on Gears 5, my most anticipated game for 2019. And we got Borderlands 3 too, pretty sure that the entire Xbox staff from LifeisXbox is looking forward for that one. Want more heavy hitters? What about Fifa 20, The Surge 2, eFootball PES 2020, the return from GRID and the remasters from Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2! Yeah, I know… I don’t know how I will survive this month without any sleep.
Other games in September: Conan Chop Chop – Phoenix Point – Torchlight 2 – Police Stories – Planetscape – Code Vein – Icewind Dale – Truck Driver – Greedfall and WRC 8
If by any miracle you have time in October after all the games from September you can buy some other big franchises. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare looks particularly awesome again this year with some big changes! Ghost Recon: Breakpoint from Ubisoft is also releasing and considering we gave the latest Ubisoft games all a score higher than 90 we have pretty big confidence in this latest Ghost Recon game. My most anticipated game from October is Obsidian’s The Outer Worlds, included with Xbox Game Pass!
Other games in October: Overpass – Moons of Madness

How cool and brutal does Doom Eternal look, right? It is still a long wait before November but I’m sure this one will be great! Respawn’s Star Wars game Jedi: Fallen Order is also releasing and had many positive reactions to the gameplay footage. After Titanfall and Apex Respawn really got some high reputation so if one studio can deliver a great Star Wars experience I am sure it is them!
Other games in November: Just dance 2020 – XIII – Jumanji: The Video Game
The videogame industry always slows down in December so time to enjoy spending time with family and people you love.
Games releasing in December: Ancestors – Lost Words – Fractured Minds – Neverwinter Nights Remastered.
Also releasing in 2019,no date yet.
La Mulana 2 – Biomutant – Tropico 6 – Bee Simulator – Trine 4 – Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair – Ooblets – Session – Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts – Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot – Battletoads – Final Fantasy VIII and over 100 other indie-games!

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Gaming is a passion and I wanted to share my Xbox enthusiasm. That’s why I started LifeisXbox, to make sure gamers all around the world know what games they should buy or avoid. I would like to thank you for visiting my website. Your support is very welcome and I hope you stick around!