Every weekday we post a new poll on our Facebook page , every Friday we write an article about it. Want to start voting too? Join our Facebook page and express how you feel about gaming related stuff!

Is The LifeisXbox community buying Black ops 4?
73% from the 169 voters said no and is leaving the latest Call of Duty game at the store. The 27% that are buying it are very excited about the new battle royale mode. Looking at the Achievements stats from the previous Black ops learns us that only 8% finished the single player campaign mode, a shocking low number for such a short campaign. It remains to be seen how big the impact from no single player will be.

Is the LifeisXbox community happy with the Obsidian rumours?
Most of the voters (77%) are happy with the rumours that Microsoft is buying Obsidian. As reader Guy Spaes said on our FB-post “It’s a great studio with an amazing talent pool, they have industry veterans and an impressive resume.” We will know soon enough if Obsidian is truly joining Microsoft or not.

Founder | Editor-in-chief | Social Media Manager
Gaming is a passion and I wanted to share my Xbox enthusiasm. That’s why I started LifeisXbox, to make sure gamers all around the world know what games they should buy or avoid. I would like to thank you for visiting my website. Your support is very welcome and I hope you stick around!