Eyes on the Weekend (10-11 July)

In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the times we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media! 🙂

Dae Jim | It was an eventful weekend, with EK 2020’s finale as the main highlight. I thought it was going to be much easier for Italy, England put on a fight but at the end of the day, we have a deserved winner. It’s coming Rome! Gaming wise my time went into Mafia III: Definitive Edition, my online addiction Knockout City and I finished Life of Fly 2. While playing Mafia 3 again I really realized how much I love this franchise, Gears of War is clearly my favorite but Mafia isn’t that far. Really hoping to see another one in the future or whatever else developer Hangar 13 is working on.

Robby (BloodyGoodReviews) | I started the weekend playing the free Space Jam game that comes included with Gamepass Ultimate as a free perk (you get to own it forever). It’s a brawler, not a basketball game. So expect to “What’s up doc?” your way through Streets of Rage-like levels with Bugs. It wasn’t anything special, but a nice ~40-minute distraction and I’m not one to snuff at free Achievements. The brand new Story DLC for Watch Dogs Legion just released and I blazed through it in two long sittings. Bloodline offers thrills, laughs and an interesting new way to explore the futuristic vision of London again. I dare say: I even had more fun with it than the main game. Lastly, I tried the demo of NEO the World Ends With You on Nintendo Switch. Looks like this will be an amazing game. I was a HUGE fan of the original on Nintendo DS. Kinda bummed that it’s skipping Xbox though, but this feels like something I’ll enjoy in handheld mode nonetheless

Mika | Xen and I didn’t play anything really since Xen is here at my house this weekend till wednesday. We watched The Mitchells vs the machines and I know we normally don’t type about movies but that was an absolute blast of a movie! We also played a bit of TeamFight Tactics, but it’s hard for me to see the fun in everyone building almost the same and out healing the other people that don’t build the same. (Aatrox n Udyr)

VicciVulpix | Unfortunately, I only managed to game a little over the weekend due to having a problem with my shoulder, preventing me being able to game as much as I’d like, which is a real upset. I did play a couple of games on SMITE and also played some of my review games, Loopindex being the main one, as I was able to play this with one hand. Green Hell has certainly got me intrigued however I couldn’t play this for very long. A pretty infuriating weekend but you have to put your health first.

Maui | I didn’t play a lot this weekend since my in-laws visited and we spent the day in Gent! The time I did spend gaming, I turned mostly to the Xbox, and I think this is becoming my favorite platform! The LIX crew has very much influenced me, thank you for that. I played some Farm For Your Life, which I’ve been enjoying quite a lot so far. I also went through the first levels of Pushy and Pully in Blockland, which reminded me a lot of Bomberman! Reviews for both will be online somewhere next week. I also started on Lost At Sea (releasing this Thursday) on the Razer 15 laptop that I’m currently also testing for a review. As you can see, it was a LIX reviewing weekend, so stay tuned for upcoming reviews!

Michael |
I didn’t play much this weekend, Saturday I had to work all day and on Sunday my parents came to visit Maui and me and we spent the whole day in Ghent. Next week a sweet review is coming online, but I can’t say much about it at this point.