Review | Life of Fly 2

LifeisXbox’s Life of Fly 2 review | Earlier this year we posted our review for the first Life of Fly I didn’t feel the need for a sequel but EpiXR Games thought differently. Once again you’ll control a slow-flying fly in 13 brand-new narrated short stories about random thoughts of human life. Normally you can talk about the improvements of a sequel but this is certainly not the case with Life of Fly 2. Almost everything is worse than the first game, which was already not a high-flyer. I was honestly glad the game was over after two hours because there is little good in this experience. Which is artificially prolonged by a ridiculously slow-flying playable fly.

This is a short review, our usual the good, mixed and the bad was difficult because of the nature of this game. We played Life of Fly 2 for 2 hours on Xbox Series X.

I love short stories, I regularly visit events with poetry or storytellers. Kind of relaxation, so to speak. So I absolutely adore the concept of the Life of Fly but this is hurt by some baffling design choices. Biggest one is the movement speed of the playable fly, which is comparable with a turtle that broke his two front legs. This was something I mentioned in the first Life of Fly review but it is still the same annoyingly slow movement speed. Normally you would think sequels improve things but sadly that’s not the case here. Stories are far less impactful and a bit boring, they don’t make much sense and the writing feels a bit off. Visually things glitch out often, especially the lighting has some awful effects. Environments are plagued with a lot of pop up or disappearing objects, something I didn’t really notice in the first game. Dialogue misses an impact but the narrator is still the best thing on offer here, he literally saves the game from a painful fly swatter racket.

The only thing you do in this game is moving from one checkpoint to another, in the slowest way possible. Luckily you’ll always find the next one without much issue so at least you don’t waste a lot of time looking for sparkly checkpoints. There’s nothing else, no dangers, no puzzles nothing but annoyingly slow movement and a narrator telling a story about humans or typical fly-stuff. You can roll your fly with triggers but I have no clue why, as you never need to dodge something. A game without action is perfectly fine, ‘if’ it has something to replace it. The dull stories aren’t enough to keep the attention of players. I really hoped that the developer would have used some of the feedback from the first Life of Fly but they stubbornly created something worse.


No, this is not what I was hoping for from a sequel. Life of Fly 2 is worse in every single aspect and the developer failed to listen to feedback from critics and players. I normally wouldn’t hurt a fly but for this slow moving fly I gladly make an exception and squash it without mercy. is the largest Belgian Xbox-centered website, your reading time is greatly appreciated! Please consider sharing this review with your friends on social media, that means a lot for us! If you are Dutch speaking also consider joining our Dutch exclusive Facebook group Xbox Gamers Belgium. Feel free to use quotes for PR purposes.