Dae Jim’s out-of-place reviews

Tidbits | Wayward Strand – Biomutant – The Forest Quartet

In Tidbits, we cover games that are difficult to cover in our regular review template.…

Looking back at LifeisXbox’s 2021

The end of the year is always a perfect chance to look back at how…

LifeisXbox at FACTS 2021

For two days you could escape all your worries and the word we all heard…

There is a new home for gamers in Ghent, Barvatar.

20 gaming PC's are the immediate eye-catcher when you walk into the e-sportsbar, that's not…

Review | Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness (Netflix)

LifeisXbox's Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness review | A computer-animated miniserie with Leon and Claire?! Yeah,…

Hey Turtle

I'll have to make clear that this is an Android/iOS game first, something we normally…

Altered Carbon (Netflix)

 Altered Carbon Netflix new and ambiguous Sci-Fi series, based on a 2002 novel from Richard Morgan…

Venue-review Café Comic Sans (Ghent)

Comic Sans | We normally don't post venue reviews but by pure luck we found…