What did you and we play this first weekend from 2021?

Be sure to let us know on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram what YOU played! For now, here are a few LifeisXbox writers to tell you about their weekend.

Dae Jim
I always try to play some backlog games in January, as this is a slow month with new releases. This year it failed a bit as Cyberpunk 2077 is my biggest gaming addiction in a looooooong time. So most of the time was spend in Night city. I did play some Crash Team Racing and One Word by POWGI with my girlfriend too! Always nice to play some games together! 🙂

 I’ve steadily found a small routine where I play Ring Fit Adventure for about an hour per day. It’s a nice way to stay motivated to drop some weight (see article: http://thisgengaming.com/2020/12/31/best-games-for-losing-holiday-weight/) but I really miss having such a game on Xbox. The closest thing was playing a Fitness game on the Kinect for my daily achievements. But you kind of really need an extra peripheral and Kinect is no longer supported. A shame.Other than that, I’ve said my goodbyes to the Oculus Quest that I have to ship back soon. I’m holding out hope that MS will one day have a VR solution of their own with achievements and other Xbox supported features.I’ve also been spending time with Forza Horizon 4 again, playing user-made challenges in the new Super7 content they added. I love it! I should also keep whittling away at AC:Valhalla, but a few bugs are making the experience less enjoyable, most recently: being drunk each time after starting up the game and having lost all my quiver upgrades (all my arrow types are back down to the original amount of when you first start the game: very annoying)

I didn’t game a lot this weekend, like most weekends lately, unfortunately, but I did get back into Stardew Valley. Started from scratch and put in a few hours, already loving my farm (which I named after my dog Chicca). Also started playing Sense – A Cyberpunk Ghost Story, which is coming to the Nintendo Switch later this week, so you can expect a review for that one! Not sure how I feel about it yet though. Spent about an hour in-game and not réally feeling it yet, but remaining hopeful

First weekend of the year has been very slow to me.
After not getting those achievements in Shadow of Mordor until they get delisted, I’m still trying to reach the end of the game and get all the other achievements.
Besides it, I started (and finished) Ratalaika’s Willow Demake (to vary my gaming a little) and I’m still going after Legendary Eleven’s 1000G. Let’s see what can I get until the end of the day