2D platformer (genre)

REVIEW | Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore

"Well excuuuuse me Princess" Arzette is a game that I didn't realise I wanted until…

Review: Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier

"Firing your weapon in one direction sends Slippy soaring in the opposite direction" | With…

REVIEW | Full Quiet

Full Quiet Review | Growing up in the '80s meant I played a lot of…

REVIEW | The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales

The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales review | As a fan of most tinybuild games, I…

REVIEW | Minabo – A Walk Through Life

Minabo - A Walk Through Life review | Minabo - A Walk Through Life is…

REVIEW | Herodes

Herodes review | I have always had a fondness for shoot-em-up games. Ever since a…

REVIEW | The Library of Babel

The Library of Babel review | Not to be confused with the short book by…

REVIEW | What Lies in the Multiverse

LifeisXbox's What Lies in the Multiverse review | Have you ever wondered about the existence…