Review | Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice

LifeisXbox’s Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice review | Pow Chicka pow. You enter the room but the light is turned off. What do you do? “Well… I… turn it on of course, just like I am at this moment. Heh heh!” If this sentence made you giggle, then warm those cheeks up because this kind of “lame” suggestional humor is strewn all about in our next upcoming review! Let me proudly introduce you to Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice (or how I’ll reference it for the rest of the review: LSL: WDDT). The whopping 12th installment in the Leisure Suit Larry franchise! Ever since 1987, this series has graced many-a computer disk drives and consoles apart. An original by Sierra Entertainment and now brought to us by CrazyBunch. In this lewd adventure, you take on the role of Larry Laffer. A seemingly “slow” but surprisingly genius “still stuck in the 80’s” kind of fella. This takes place after the events of Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry, where you kick off preparing for a wedding. Still mourning over his eternal love, Faith. But something occurs and Larry gets evidence that he [redacted]. What? So what I was saying. He finds out that [redacted]. Oh, come on … *sigh*. I guess that you’ll have to find out the entire plot thread by yourself! So, let’s move along. Do you think that Larry *heh heh* Laffer got lucky? Or was he better off just taking the Vaseline and Kleenex? Let’s go b*lls deep and check out this little banger by the name Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice!

We played Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice for 8 hours on the Xbox Series X. This game is also available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows

What we liked!

  • Comedy | You’ve got to give it to the writers of LSL. Each iteration is filled with pun after pun, and quip after quip. See something that couldn’t probably be pun-able? That may as well be true, but that didn’t stop these people! Each conversation has either a witty pun, a clever quip, or a downright “Giggity” wink towards something lewd. But for a series that‘s generally known for its clever dodging around “adult” content.
  • Voice Actors | Voice actors can make or break a game. The reason, why this tends to happen, is simple, honestly. If you’ve got one actor that just phones their lines in and doesn’t represent their character the way it was meant to be portrayed, well… It would result in us as players, losing immersion and interest in what we are playing at that time. But I can confirm that CrazyBunch did a wonderful job using talented actors once more! Creating the most suited envir onment for Larry’s massive… Ego *wink*
  • Clever puzzles | There’s one thing that I always like in games. And that’s the clever use of puzzles. And LSL: WDDT doesn’t disappoint at all! Each chapter consists out of non-stop puzzling where you are tasked to find object X to solve question A to proceed with the story. Some games throw the solution right into your hands, totally negating the “puzzle” effect. But this lewd adventure doesn’t do anything of the sorts. It rewards the player for thinking out of the box at times. So if you like thinking out of the box? This won’t disappoint!
  • Looks nice | On the visual’s department, LSL: WDDT doesn’t disappoint. With easy to look at graphics and clearly defined assets? It brings and delivers an absolutely gorgeous game.
  • Easter Eggs | LSL games are legendary when it comes to sly little nods to other games or even their own previous installments. So, for those with a keen eye (or ear) out there? Be on the lookout, because LSL: WDDT has a literal treasure trove of easter eggs for you to find. I found quite a few, but I’m pretty sure others just flew right under my radar because I didn’t know the games referenced. One of these was (oh god please don’t hate me, dear readers!) Space Quest … But really, almost every screen in LSL: WDDT has a reference to another game so, keep those peepers open laddies and ladies!

Somewhere between

  • Nothing | Honestly, there aren’t many of my reviews where I actually have nothing to say that‘s in between. I actually think that this is the very first review that is like this… So, good on you, I guess? God this is weird… Carry on?

What we disliked

  • Bugs | Yeah… I don’t know how these slipped under the radar honestly. Some of them are just plain obvious and are frankly shouldn’t even be in the game. There were a few instances when entering certain places at a fast pace, that the game‘s code couldn’t keep up and clipped elements through walls or stuck me inside of walls. Two of these places are Bobbi’s office and The labyrinth. In the office, I got stuck in the wall of the elevator (because the opening door didn’t load). And in the Labyrinth I noticed that a certain item suddenly popped up where I could put another element in, basically allowing me to SKIP a portion of this labyrinth. I mean… Come on..! Then there were times when button presses weren’t being registered, or voice lines were being repeated, while the subtitles clearly showed a different sentence. This just shows the sloppiness of it and is another case of how ports should NOT be done.
  • Nothing new | We all know the saying “Why fix something when nothing’s broken, right? Well so do I. And while I tend to agree with this saying, I don’t mind something new or innovating now and then. Leisure Suit Larry‘s been around for more than 30 years by now and nothing‘s ever changed. Other than visually. I think that this is also one of the reasons why this once super popular series has slowly been losing traction up to the point of becoming stagnant. Frankly speaking, this game serves no other purpose other than being the next in line of the LSL franchise with a dragged-on storyline.



LSL: WDDT is a very mixed bag of awesomeness while also weaving in some very broken elements. If you’re a lifelong fan of the franchise, this is an instant buy. If you’ve played some, this is an in-between purchase. If you’re totally new to the series, then wait for it to be on sale. is the largest Belgian Xbox centered website, your reading time is greatly appreciated! Please consider sharing this review with your friends on social media, that means a lot for us! If you are Dutch speaking also consider joining our Dutch exclusive Facebook group Xbox Gamers Belgium. Feel free to use quotes for PR purposes.