REVIEW | Hero Survival

You need to survive waves of enemies that overwhelm you from all sides and surviving wave after wave rewards you with new weapons or powerful passive upgrades. That sounds very familiar, doesn’t it? That’s because Hero Survival is a clone of the immensely popular Vampire Survivors. A clone that adds little to the known concept, but it is a fun game to pass the time.

Hero Survival | 60%

The gameplay loop remains the same, nothing wrong with that though. Part of the addictiveness of this type of game is that the difficulty keeps increasing. Each new attempt starts with you choosing what extra power you want, you can freeze enemies, you can deploy explosives or pass your bullets through enemies. I was hoping for more powers but alas…. it is also super obvious that the balance is not there. The obvious better choice is the Shiva option (you know that ice queen from Final Fantasy). It makes Hero Survival much easier, bullets going through enemies clearly the weakest.

With the money you earn you can buy new characters that have different stats or buy different starting weapons. Good for replay value but I doubt many people are going to want to farm the huge sums of money. It’s a cool game but Vampire Survivors is significantly better. So I would rather go to that game, but give Hero Survival a chance if you are a bit tired of the previously mentioned one. It’s a little different because you deploy four different weapons and with your powers comes a kind of calming feeling in all the chaos of the inexhaustible enemies.