Eyes on the Weekend (9-10 October)

In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the times we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media! 🙂

Dae Jim |

Robby (BloodyGoodReviews) | I just beat Lost Words: Beyond the Page, and I’m a weeping mess of a human being. Such an emotional tale being told there about loss and grief that hit me really hard, with my grandmother’s passing still in recent memory.

I’ve also been playing Hot Wheels Unleashed EVERY day since I received my review copy and I’m totally addicted to 100%-ing this, even if it will be a grind. Such a fun arcade racer, possibly in my Top 3 ever!

Most of my playtime went into Far Cry 6 however. Yes, it’s a repeat of previous titles and doesn’t bring a whole lot of new things to the table, but honestly, the same can be said for pretty much any numerical sequel in videogames and I don’t get why this series gets all the flack for it. it’s fun, it’s addictive and it has got a ton of content to keep you busy for 100h. just enjoy the ride ^^

Rafael | On a break.

Alexis | This weekend I felt nostalgic, so I went back to the lands of Mordor. I don’t know why but my YouTube feed has been getting bombarded with Shadow of War videos, and it made me pang for Tirion again. And honestly, I was surprised by how well it still holds up versus modern games! I still marvel at how the Nemesis system works in creating a dynamic world that honestly? Is unique to that game session! I can only hope more games  will work with a likewise world creator/populator

Aaron | This weekend I played some Far Cry 6 and was loving the island and aesthetics. The whole world feels alive and just screams for exploration. I really enjoyed the first 2 hours of the game where some of the character development was told in a comedic way. Guapo is the best pet I’ve ever had. The weapons feel and handle great and I love how over the top the action is.

I ended the weekend by playing some retro classics on the PS1 with Jackie Chan’s Stuntmaster.

VicciVulpix | Nothing to share this weekend.

Maui | I spend most of my weekend playing The Addams Family: Mansion Mayhem. It’s a pretty fun game but lacks real challenge, making it a children’s game for sure. I’m excited to beat the last world in the next days though, and my review will be up soon!

After hesitating for a while, I finally bought Nexomon on my Nintendo Switch. As you can maybe tell from the title of the game, this is basically a Pokémon rip off but it’s refreshing to see all these new creates. So far, I’ve quite enjoyed Nexomon, and I’m curious to see more of this one!

I ended the weekend with some The Last Friend, which is basically a Plants vs. Zombies game but with DOGS! I am really enjoying this one!

Michael |
I didn’t game much this weekend since I had to work all saturday and did a  couple things around the house on sunday. But I still managed to play some RuneScape and Pokémon Shield. But unfortunatly that was everything that I did last weekend.

Orange Spark | Having just returned from a 6 day trip abroad where I could do minimal gaming, I can home on Friday with a burning need for some action. To satiate that hunger for digital entertainment I went right back to where I left off, continuing my questline in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. My hunting partner had to take a break this week due to exams, so we picked right up where we left off by defending Seliana from a rather frigid elder dragon named Velkhana.

Moving on to Saturday I went and picked up my copy of Metroid Dread that I’d ordered. I only began playing it on Sunday however, as I had a few errands to run, and Saturday evening is game night with another friend group. In rapid succession we played some Golf with your friends, Robot Roller Derby Disco Dodgeball and closed off the night by starting the Krieg DLC in Borderlands 3. Now back to Metroid Dread for a second. I’m very familiar with speedruns of the Metroid games of old, but this is my first time heading into danger with Samus in the second dimension. Having played Metroid Prime 2 and 3, Dread is a completely new beast for me, and I’m loving it! Combat is slowly starting to click, as is escaping the ever ominous E.M.M.I. Robots roaming the map. I’ll be continuing this thoroughly and at my own pace, so I’ll see what I can report next week.