Eyes on the Weekend (26-28 November)

In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing as most of the time we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see and hear about what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media! 🙂

Dae Jim | Halo, Halo, Halo and Halo.

Robby (BloodyGoodReviews) | Played some Moving Out with my daughter, which is lovely. It’s awesome to see her improve in games and actually do what’s needed to progress in the game. I also wanted to find the missing Crow Skulls in Pumpkin Jack but noticed that the new update reset all my progress. I’m.going through it again with a guide now but really hope no new update arrives in the meantime… Most of my gaming hours were spent on The Last of Us 2 however. Finally giving that game some attention after Twitter voted for it in my poll.

Aaron | I only managed to play some games on Sunday this weekend. I picked up some good deals from the Steam sale such as Final Fantasy 14, Cloud Punk and The Masterchief Collection. I spent most of Sunday playing through Halo Reach with a friend and it was really good going back and experiencing these games again. Cloud punk is a voxel style futuristic flying and delivery simulator. It’s very well put together, kind of like Cyberpunk Minecraft. I only played the introduction to FF 14 though since it’s a bit lengthy in its intro, but this will be my new go-to game for the near future that I play with friends.

VicciVulpix | I have to start off my weekend recap with something SMITE related. You can earn or purchase gems, which is the paid currency in SMITE (favour is earnt in-game), to buy multiple different things. These include things such as God skins, music themes, voice-packs etc. Now, I have recently bought them while they’re on offer and I always buy some chests with them. I was ecstatic to see that one of my chests had the Radiant Archon skin! I’ve wanted this from pretty much day one! I also managed to finish off the last two achievements and completion of Call of Cthulhu. I then decided to jump on one of my next review games called Encodya. It’s quite interesting and my review will be published this week so keep your eyes open. I also started, and finished, AI: The Somnium Files (which is currently available on Xbox Games Pass) and would highly recommend it; as it was recommended to me. It incorporates different mechanics, various endings, and a decent story so definitely one of my favourites gems I have found recently. Also spent a small amount of time on Super Lucky’s Tale as I would like to complete this if possible; the review can be read [HERE]. Finally, I decided to load up Outriders (also on Xbox Games Pass) and got quite immersed and engrossed quickly so I will definitely be sticking with this over the coming week! You can read our review for Outriders [HERE]

Maui | Pretty busy week(end) so didn’t game too much! We visited my in-laws but I took my Switch with me so I could adventure on in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond. 6 badges so far (yeah I’m slow because I tend to roam around a lot).

Orange Spark | Another good weekend was had in the realms of gaming. I started Friday off strong with some games of Dead by Daylight and continuing my slow nostalgia trip journey through Sinnoh in Pokémon Shining Pearl. I needed a dawn stone for the ralts I’d found in the Grand Underground, but know I can only get one from the moment I have surf. Seeing as I was at the third gym, and my ralts was LVL 29 waiting wasn’t an option. Enter, my team of 6 Pachirisu with Pick-up between LVL 31 and 39. That’s 6 times 10% chance at rolling for a dawn stone at 4% drop chance. The power of the internet people. I ended up with 3 of the damn things in the end. Saturday I took both the Pastoria gym and to the stars in Elite Dangerous Odyssey. We did some crimes, stopped some other crimes and moved some goods of the non-crime variety. While moving those goods I also started watching Komi can’t communicate, a meagre 8 weeks late…I also refreshed my memory on She Will Punish Them. A game for the adult audience I’ve written a preview for on Sunday. So please look forward to reading that if age checks annoy you for all the right reasons. My review for Elite Dangerous Odyssey can be found [HERE].

Colombo | Played Exo One and finished it in less than 2 hours. It was a pretty good and intriguing experience, you’ll read all about it in one of my upcoming reviews so stay tuned! 🙂 Finally finished Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts, I had fun with it, but it was a repetitive game to play. The review can be found [HERE]. Started playing Condemned Criminal Origins for the first time ever. Seems like it is quite interesting and I’m looking forward to playing more of it. I’ve been doing this almost every day, but I’ve played Microsoft Solitaire Collection while listening to music again, it’s the only time I get to listen to music in my day.

Bradley | I’ve played nothing but Crash 4: It’s About Time this weekend. I’ve finally collected the last few Platinum Time Relics, and it was a nightmare, especially the 3rd last level… There were even 3 levels in the entire game where I got the Developer Time Relics, by accident. I’m currently going through the N.Sanely Perfect Relics, and need about 8 more for those! N.Sanely Prefect Relics require you to break all the crates in a level and you’re not allowed to die even once! Hopefully, I’ll be able to 106% the game in the next 1 or 2 days, it’s been quite a grind! You can find our review for it [HERE]