Eyes on the Weekend (22-24 May)

In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the times we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media! 🙂

Dae Jim | Always happy to have a longer weekend, so Monday’s holiday was appreciated. As a huge Eurovision fan, I was really looking forward to Saturday, Belgium didn’t get what it deserved (a higher spot on the rankings)but I was glad that Italy won the competition. Måneskin with Zitti e Buoni is the sixty-eighth winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, an awesome rock song! It was a strong year as many countries had strong performances!

Gaming related my most time went into Mass Effect Legendary Edition and Knockout City. EA’s two latest games have been incredible to play. Revisiting the Citadel in the first Mass Effect or seeing all the different aliens again is truly a nice way to spent time. I always loved the franchise and replaying it is memorable!

Robby (BloodyGoodReviews) | The title I spent most of my time with this weekend may surprise most, but it was Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay. Because there are a lot of Nickelodeon IP games coming out in October, like Blaze and the Monster Machines or Peppa Pig, I started looking into the publisher more and noticed they also had Paw Patrol games and my kids love that show. We’ve been playing it all weekend. Mostly they just watched as I played (but they gave feedback on what to do) and sometimes they tried it for themselves. Really happy to be able to share my love for gaming with them, even at such a young age (2.5 and 6).In the nighttime, I played some Mortal Kombat 11. I probably needed the extreme and bloody violence to counter the cartoony daytime gaming, so I finally started playing competitive matches online. Didn’t do all that bad either, ending with a 60W/32L results for the weekend. Lastly, I finally went back to Nanotale and even beat it. I’m conflicted about my feelings though, it’s a fun game, but it pales in comparison with the predecessor, Epistory. While Nanotale has a pretty cool visual style and the typing gameplay is ever awesome, the story fell flat and had weird pacing, there were a ton more bugs and the overall polish was lacking. As If I was still playing a game not quite ready to leave Early Access yet. Besides playing games, we also spent Saturday night watching Eurovision. Or as I like to call it: our version of The Hunger Games (the outfits of the hosts and some of the contestants seem like they were designed for it) It was the first time that our daughter was old enough to stay up and watch, but she didn’t make it until the end. Italy was an interesting winner, but I was rooting for Finland & Iceland.

VicciVulpix | The only two games I ended up playing this weekend were SMITE and Angels with Scaly Wings (For Review) as I’ve felt quite rough. I’m really starting to become a fan of visual novel titles after originally convincing myself that I wouldn’t. It’s a breath of fresh air to sit and read the equivalent to a book on console. I know they aren’t for everyone but I’ve definitely been swayed towards the genre in a positive way. With SMITE, I went back to conquest and although it was nice to return for a few games, I remembered why I got so annoyed at this mode. The only role I feel comfortable and happy playing these days is support. I ended up going back and playing some arena games to calm down. Looks like Artio might just be my next diamond God.

Michael and Maui | Best news ever, we joined the Xbox party! On Saturday, we went to Carrefour, saw an Xbox Series X, and of course, took it home! We’re very lucky to have run into this Xbox, so cool! We spent the weekend playing PC, Switch and Xbox games. Michael played Fifa 2021 and Forza 7 on the brand new Xbox and enjoyed it very much. Maui joined in on Forza 7, but hasn’t been able to play other games due to too many reviews and other work, unfortunately. She did play some Hokko Life on PC, and Jin Conception on her Switch. Of course, we also watched Eurovision on television Saturday evening! Being fans of harder music, our favorites were obviously Finland and Italy so we’re very glad Italy took the price home!