Eyes on the Week(end) (10-12 June)

Time to look back on the weekend! What did Friday, Saturday, and Sunday look like for our writers? What was the biggest news from last week and what are we looking forward to? Our Eyes on the Week(end) article will answer these three questions!

We’re curious about your opinion and played games, so be sure to share your stuff on our social media channels!


The only game two games I managed to play over the weekend was 0 Degrees and DC Universe Online. 0 Degrees was a very mediocre game. I did play it for the somewhat easy completion but I made some levels perhaps more challenging than they needed to be. You must know what it’s like when you overcomplicate things. With DC Universe Online, I decided to return to my previous hero in order to complete the campaign, thus getting them to Level 30, allowing me to unlock my one remaining achievement for the full completion.

Most exciting news of last week: The Xbox and Hideo Kojima partnership being announced at the Xbox Bethesda Showcase Event. I’m beyond excited to see what game comes of this!

Looking forward to playing this week: I haven’t got any immediate plans for games this week but I have been thinking about returning to some games in my backlog to do some achievement hunting, along with my review writing.


I caught up on some reviews, but other than that I didn’t really feel like gaming. Played some Wonder Boy Collection on my Switch, which was fun. The nostalgic feeling really is great! I also played Crowns and Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit on my laptop. It’s a cool point-and-click game, think I’m about halfway to definitely excited to see where this one is going.

Most exciting news of last week: I think I’m gonna have to go with the new Diablo IV footage as I’m reaaally looking forward to this one!

Looking forward to playing this week: Crowns and Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit


It was my daughter’s birthday so didn’t really play anything too exciting, other than starting The Quarry. But not even enough to talk about it. I did finally complete Far Cry 6, which freed up over 100Gb from my hard drive. Lastly, I kept on playing Mario Strikers: Battle League Football. Which is a very fun arcade soccer game full of power-ups and charged-up shots. I’ll keep playing this for some time to come. You can check my review [HERE].

Most exciting news of last week: Persona games coming to Xbox Game Pass.

Looking forward to playing this week: The Quarry. This is a great horror game from the looks of it. I’m sure I’ll have a great time.


Didn’t game much this weekend, but I played a bit of Fistful of Frags with a friend and also some Minecraft with other friends.

Most exciting news of last week: Persona coming to Xbox.

Looking forward to playing this week: Still need to finish Scarlet Nexus, and also need to play my next review game.


I’ve actually been quite busy this weekend and only played some Final Fantasy XIV on Friday and Sunday. I didn’t do anything interesting in those sessions besides trying to level crafting and gathering jobs as a free trial player, so while it’s interesting (and slightly annoying) for me to figure all that out, it involves checking a lot of websites and running back and forth. I’ve been so busy I’ve only just watched the Xbox & Bethesda presentation at the time of writing, so I’ll be catching up to all the others in the coming days.

Most exciting news of last week: What did manage to reach me is that Persona 3 Portable, Persona 4 Golden and my favourite, Persona 5 Royal are coming to PC and Xbox. Time to change some hearts come October, don’t you think?

Looking forward to playing this week: I’ve gotten through A Realm Reborn in Final Fantasy XIV early on Friday, so I’m keen to continue the story that the free trial allows me.