
Translator, photographer, and PC Gremlin. Videogames are the reason why I learnt English, and one of the main reasons why I wanted to become a Translator. Now I want to share this passion and help as many people as possible discover new gems to enjoy.

REVIEW | Enshrouded

"A perfect exemplar of an indie gem." | In a world currently obsessed with AI,…

Steam Next Fest February 24

The year has kicked off with a bang, as the first Steam Next Fest of…

Review: Cattails: Wildwood Story

"An unparalleled outlet for your creativity." | If all dogs go to heaven, I hope…

REVIEW | Project Planet – Earth vs Humanity

Project Planet – Earth vs Humanity review | With climate change being more prevalent than…

REVIEW | Trepang²

Trepang² review | What do you get if you put DOOM 2016 and Wolfenstein in…

Preview | Mindhack

LifeisXbox's Mindhack preview | ‘Humans as machines’ is a theory that has been around at…

REVIEW | Terra Nil

Terra Nil review | Videogames as a medium offer as many possibilities for gameplay as…

REVIEW | Spellforce: Conquest of Eo

Spellforce: Conquest of Eo review | Welcome, dear wizard, to my domain. You are not…