Tidbits | Dyna Bomb 2, Cube Farmer and Strategic Mind: The Pacific

In Tidbits, we cover games that are difficult to cover in our regular review template.…

REVIEW | Unusual Findings

LifeisXbox's Unusual Findings review | Due to their malicious behaviour toward a neighbour, a group…

REVIEW | Asterigos: Curse of the Stars

LifeisXbox's Asterigos: Curse of the Stars review | Another Souls-Like game? I know with Steelrising…

Our favorites versus Trifox

We have published our review for Trifox a while ago, you can read it here!…

REVIEW | Lovecraft’s Untold Stories 2

LifeisXbox's Lovecraft's Untold Stories 2 review | After the release of Lovecraft's Untold Stories in…

Review | The Gallery

LifeisXbox's The Gallery Review | We always speak about what it would be like to…

REVIEW | Despot’s Game

LifeisXbox's Despot's Game review | Welcome puny little human, to the Despot's Game! Here you'll…

Eyes on the Week (10th-14th October)

Time to look back on the week we’ve just had! What did the weekdays look…